Spectacle Dispensing Guidlines
Dispensing of the spectacles in children is Different than in adults.
Manual eye power testing using a Retinoscope (Gold standard for assessment in Children)
Automated eye power testing
Parents are requested to reduce TV watching to < 1 hour / day, avoid the use of iPAD, Mobile and Game boy to avoid rapid progression of myopia which increases the risk of retinal problems in future.
In the COVID-19 and pandemic era, with lockdown and necessary online schooling, GUIDELINES FOR SCREEN TIME: https://iapindia.org/pdf/Screentime-Guidelines-for-Parents-Ch-005.pdf
For more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtB1f_xuQJs&t=903s
Parents should encourage the sporting activities and provide a balanced diet rich in vegetables, milk products, salad, fruits and avoid junk food to maintain good eye and overall health of their children.
It is aptly said for children (based on the research studies)
Dispensing of the spectacles in children is Different than in adults.
Television, Computer/Laptop, Ipad/Tab, Mobile gaming/PSP etc