The objectives of Low Vision Services are
- Assessment of the children with low vision for any potential improvement with medical treatment.
- Prescribe and procure low vision devices for the patients at an affordable cost.
- Train children with low vision devices for its optimal use.
- Vision Stimulation for ROP and cerebral visual blindness.
- Coordinate the vision rehabilitation
- Orientation and mobility training
- Vocational rehabilitation
- Braille and training in communication etc
- Clinical research on the causes of low vision in children and effectiveness of various rehabilitation techniques.
Click here to book your appointment with a low vision aids specialist
We understand that a lot of patients who may benefit from low vision aids, may not afford them and hence feel free to seek help at the reception. Our aim remains to improve the quality of life of every individual we can touch, so do not hesitate to reach out. Possibilities are infinite, seek them now.
The Pediatric Low Vision Services at our clinic is managed by a qualified, trained Low Vision Practitioner.